
In which I get amputated


This comic stems from my childhood pastime of chasing dragonflies and making them fight each other.  I suppose I wouldn't have appreciated it either if I were a dragonfly.  Just know that I realize now how cruel I was back then is all I'm sayin'.

Blonde Redhead's new album, 23, is amazing, and I recommend you take it for a spin.  It currently sits atop my list of top 10 albums of 2007.  (And while you're at it, read last year's list.)

Of course I can't end this post without some mad proper disseminations to several gents and madam moiselles who have allowed me to surreptitiously rip off remix their work!  Say hello to Melinda Shelton who has captured a sunset (or sunrise) somewhere in paradise.  Props are delivered also to cleverswine for a clever bedroom shot.  The Antisolipsism poster in panel 4 was illustrated by Zombie Lincoln.  Astute readers would now know that I read Dinosaur Comics.

-George Ryan